Carbon-14 urea breath test
Approved Use: Detection of gastric urease as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori.
Dose: 1 µCi
Brand Name: PYtest
Manufacturer: Avanos/Kimberly-Clark
Package Insert (capsule)
Package Insert (kit)
Brochure (2015)
How Supplied: 1 µCi capsule
Expiration: 2 years
NDC #:
1 capsule: 42536-6044-1
10 capsules: 42536-6044-2
100 capsules: 42536-6044-3
1 PYtest kit: 42536-6046-1
10 PYtest kits: 42536-6046-2
100 PYtest kits: 42536-6046-3
Dose: 1 µCi
Brand Name: PYtest
Manufacturer: Avanos/Kimberly-Clark
Package Insert (capsule)
Package Insert (kit)
Brochure (2015)
How Supplied: 1 µCi capsule
Expiration: 2 years
NDC #:
1 capsule: 42536-6044-1
10 capsules: 42536-6044-2
100 capsules: 42536-6044-3
1 PYtest kit: 42536-6046-1
10 PYtest kits: 42536-6046-2
100 PYtest kits: 42536-6046-3